H3N2 canine influenza vaccine now available

posted: by: Jill Farley Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

In September of last year we sent out an email discussing the H3N8 canine influenza strain and the vaccine available for it. At that time the newer H3N2 canine influenza was emerging but no vaccine was available for it. 

We now have vaccine for the H3N2 canine influenza strain and are requiring it for all dogs boarding at our hospital. North Carolina has had outbreaks with both strains (H3N8 and H3N2)  and we want to protect all of our patients that are at risk (boarding, grooming, doggy day care, training classes, dog shows, performance dogs, etc.). As with the H3N8 strain, an initial vaccine is given and then boostered 3 weeks later with annual boosters thereafter.

Please call our office for an appointment or any further information for this important protection for your dogs at (252)-726-0181.