Easter Hazards For Your Pets

posted: by: Katie Willis, D.V.M. Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Easter hazards for your pets

Ah, the fresh pollen in the air, the influx of traffic, and candy bunnies in every store – Easter is here!   As the Easter holiday approaches, we want to make sure our pets are safe from some common hazards found this time of year. 

1.       Easter Lilies:  All parts of these plants are toxic to cats; clinical symptoms can range from vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy, and sadly can lead to kidney failure or even death.  Please make sure your cat does not have access to these or any related lily varieties. 

2.       Easter grass:  It makes the basket beautiful, but can be difficult to pass through a pet’s digestive system.  These are somewhat enticing to dogs and cats alike, but can progress into linear foreign bodies and may have to be surgically removed. 

3.  Chocolate:  All types of chocolate are hazardous to pets because of the components caffeine and theobromine.  Minor symptoms can begin with vomiting, diarrhea, and increased heart rate, and can progress to neurological signs – which could be life threatening.   

4.       Xylitol:  This is a common sweetener found in many candies and baked goods, and cause dangerously low blood sugar levels in pets.   Symptoms can begin as soon as 30 minutes after ingestion; these include vomiting, staggering, and weakness. 

      Please take extra precautions to protect your pet while keeping them safe and happy  against these hazards while your family celebrates Easter.  If you are concerned about your pet’s health, please call your veterinarian immediately for medical care assistance.   


 Otter wants everyone to have an Egggggscellent Easter!